Thursday 8 January 2015

Breakfast in Burgaz

The first recipe I've chosen to write about in my blog is a very simple one that is eaten at breakfast time.

On the beautiful island of Burgaz the mornings greet me with seagulls skipping on the roof tops, street cats fighting and a man shouting in the street selling shoes and slippers from a cart.
After a late night playing Okay (Rumikub) and eating mountains of home made popcorn I find it hard to get myself out of bed. I am however, easily persuaded once I hear the noise of clattering plates and clanking cutlery in the kitchen downstairs. Amir's Mum is awake and preparing breakfast. It's guaranteed to be a feast every time. The entire contents of the fridge are taken out and laid on the table. Home made jams, meats, cheeses, salads, olives. Such a variety that the plates and bowls have to be stacked up and balanced on top of each other as there is no space on the table. When I smell the toast in the toaster that's a sure sign that it's time to get up and eat breakfast. Tea is served from the caydanlik, and the morning begins......

Occasionally, Amir would suggest that we have our breakfast in a cafe down by the harbour. I remember, once, Amir asked me if I would like to share many men with him.  You can imagine the look of relief on my face when I learnt that he was referring to Menemen, a Turkish omlette.

2 eggs
knob of butter
1 tomato
50g feta cheese
1 green pepper (the long kind but not too hot)

Melt butter in a frying pan.  
Chop & add pepper & tomato, cook until soft.
Break up the feta cheese and sprinkle in to the pan.
Add eggs.
Stir all ingredients together until cooked.
Season to taste.

Serve with fresh bread.


  1. Good luck with your Blog Lisa - looking good xxx

  2. Things I know well expressed in a nice and funny way. Waiting for next stories/recipies

  3. Dear Lisa, thank you for this lovely blog. I enjoyed perusing through it. I love Menemen. I am looking forward to your new adventures & recipes.

    1. Thank you Sema, I have so much more to write. I am very grateful to read your comments xx

  4. I really liked the way you express yourself I mean receipes inside the narration of a day's life as observed by a foreigner and transmitted with a humoristic touch, in a fluent, extremely natural and attractive style!
    Go on writing Lisa!

  5. Thank you Elena, such kind words. I am bursting to write more xx

  6. Hi Lisa, I know your time in Turkey is very precious to you and I look forward to you sharing some of your special experiences (and Amir's recipes!). Can't wait for more. Jo xx
