Thursday 1 January 2015


Here we are, the beginning of a new year. I have spent most of the day eating the left overs of last night's feast. Amir once again excelled himself with his culinary delights.
I don't know about you all but the moment I hear Big Ben strike midnight I feel compelled to shed a few tears, I really don't know why. Perhaps it's the thought of another year leaving us, a sign of how life goes by so quickly, or perhaps I think of loved ones who are no longer with us. Either way, the sounds of those bongs churn up all sorts of emotions inside me.

One of my New Year's resolutions was to find myself a hobby. So here it is, I'm going to start blogging. I've been trying for years to compile a book containing all of Amir's treasured recipes together with my experiences of life in Turkey. I don't seem to have got any further than designing the front cover of the book so I'm going to try to convert my ideas into a blog for who ever might be interested to read it.
Years ago, a clairvoyant once told me I would be signing books. I can't ever see that happening but you never know, we all have to start somewhere. This is my first post, testing to see how the blogging world functions. Wish me luck!


  1. Well done , very proud of you

  2. I can't wait to read about some of Amir's recipes! Like you, New Year seems to be a very bittersweet time for me. Best of luck with your blog! And I shall be one of the first in line at your book signing!! x x x

    1. Suzanne, it seems we have the same mind. I see you have used your maiden name spelt backwards. When I owned a café it was called café Rima, Amir spelt backwards!

  3. GO GIRL !!! This is a wonderful idea and the blog looks great. Good Luck X
