Sunday 1 March 2015

Biscuit and Chocolate Pudding Cake

In the first few weeks of arrival to Istanbul I was probably at the height of gossip between Amir's friends and family. All wanted to meet me. Every few nights, Amir would tell me that we have been invited to someone's home. I quickly learnt to make sure I wore clean socks with no holes in as I would be expected to take off my shoes when entering in to some ones home. I would then be offered a pair of slippers to wear. I found it amazing that no matter whose home I visited everyone had a pair of slippers to fit. I looked around to see where  slippers of every size could possibly be kept but I could not see evidence of cupboards in the hallway large enough to store such a variety of slippers and sizes. I of course made every effort with my appearance when meeting Amir's friends and family for the first time and felt a little disappointed that I was forced to wear a pair of slippers that were very unattractive and didn't match what I was wearing.
Every home I went to was beautiful, simple and elegant, each piece of furniture looked like an antique to me and I was so cautious not to spill anything or leave any fingermarks on untouched glass. In my mind I questioned how tidy and precise all these homes were, no magazines lying around, no piles of paperwork in sight everything had it's place, even table cloths were artistically draped.
After the gossip had died down and everyone had met me on a number of occasions I started to notice something different about their homes, the chairs were not the same as I remember them to be, the sofas were not of the same colour and material as when I first saw them and then I found out why. Some Turkish people cover their furniture. Everyday, they live in their home without seeing the full beauty of their furniture as it is hidden underneath a cover. The reason for this is that with everyday life the furniture can be spoilt so to preserve its life, chairs and sofas are covered and only on the occasion of a special guest the covers are taken off . This bothered me a lot, especially at Sarika's home (Amir's Grandmother) her furniture was comparable to that in a museum, beautifully carved wood with regal style fabric was hidden under bland dark green covers. My argument was that she should enjoy looking at her furniture in all its splendour every single day. Perhaps, I am just as guilty at home in England but we do have an excuse, we have a large hairy Labrador living with us and I have gone to the extreme of even having a cover on top of the cover!
The recipe I have chosen to write about today is one that always impresses my guests, it gets a "WOW" when they see it. Just as I used to be when I was impressed as a guest myself. Little do they know what it is made from. When Amir's Mum first made it I could not understand what the ingredients were. I think this is referred to as the pyramid cake because in Turkish patisseries they make it triangular shaped. This is the fastest no bake cake ever, simply made with petit beurre biscuits and a ready chocolate pudding mix. Don't worry though, if you can't find the pudding mix in a shop I will give you the recipe at the end.

One packet of chocolate pudding mix
(This can be bought in Turkish supermarkets, any make is fine)
One packet of plain rectangular biscuits
(petit beurre is the type you can find in shops)
Milk (according to amount stated on the packet)

Follow the instructions on the pudding packet. It will usually be to empty the packet in to a saucepan and add milk, the packet I used today instructed to use 500ml milk.
Stir constantly until bubbling. Mixture will become thicker when boiled.
Leave to cool slightly, it will then thicken even more. Stir again.
Place your biscuits and pudding mix in front of you together with a long plate to serve on.
Spread pudding mix on one side of one biscuit, then place another biscuit on top as if to sandwich it. Then place upright on your serving plate until all biscuits have been sandwiched together. The remainder of the chocolate can then be spread with a knife all over the biscuits to completely cover.
Place in fridge to set.
I made this one a few months ago and decorated it with strawberries. You can also place slices of banana in between.

This is the surprise. Cut diagonally across the cake and each slice will be served with stripes!

If you can't find pudding mix in the shops, here's the recipe:
For two packets of biscuits you will need
4 cups milk
2 tablespoons of cocoa powder
6 tablespoons of sugar
3 tablespoons flour
1 egg
1 packet of vanilla powder
Put all ingredients in a saucepan and heat. Keep stirring until the consistency is thick.
Leave to cool for about 20 minutes then you can sandwich the biscuits as above.

TIP: If your consistency is not thickening quickly enough  you can add cornstarch. It needs to be able to be poured but on the border line of plopping off of the spoon!
If you find your biscuits are not balancing upright you can lay them flat and create layers of chocolate / biscuit / chocolate etc.
Bananas are lovely to put inside if you are making it in a dish.
You can sprinkle the top with coconut or ground pistachio nuts.


  1. I've made something like this with the biscuits flat. Is always good and does look much more than it is.
    Thanks for another story, always love reading them X

  2. I always love reading your comments and appreciate them xx
